Friday, July 25, 2014

Don't Be a Road Hog: How to Safely Share the Road With Truckers.

We've all driven next to them; whether it be on the highway or on a simple suburban road, trucks are everywhere. While many people fear the 18-wheelers traveling the nation's highways, we're here to put your mind at ease. Follow these simple road-rules in order to avoid a collision and make it easier to share the road with a semi.

1.  Never Ride in a Trucker's Blind Spots. 

Trucks have large blind spots to the right and rear of the vehicle. Smaller blind spots exist on the right front corner and mid-left side of the truck. The worst thing a driver can do is chug along in the trucker's blind spot, where he cannot be seen. If you're going to pass a truck, do it and get it over with. Don't sit alongside with the cruise control set 1 mph faster than the truck is traveling.

2. Never Cut-off a Semi. 

Don't try to sneak into a small gap in traffic ahead of a truck. Don't get in front of a truck and then brake to make a turn. Trucks take as much as three times the distance to stop as the average passenger car, and you're only risking your own life by cutting a truck off and then slowing down in front of it.

3. Be Patient while they are reversing.

Motorists need to understand that it takes time and concentration to back a 48-foot trailer up without hitting anything. Sometimes a truck driver needs to make several attempts to reverse into tight quarters. Keep your cool and let the trucker do their job.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Old School Road Trip Activities

If you're on a road trip and you're looking for activities that don't involve the iPad or a television, look no further! Below we've listed some great group games.

  • I Spy.
  • Audiobooks on CD such as Harry Potter.
  • Find a car with license plate from every state
  • Bring aluminum foil and have everyone fold them into different animals.
  • Give each child a disposable camera and challenge them to take the best photos on the ride.